Hey everyone! I would like to welcome you to this special page I did for my new map (see title
Please feel free to leave some feedback on it.
A lot of people will of course know what this map is about, although I wanted to make something special for it since it took me about 1,5 year to finish it. Battle over Coruscant is by far my biggest project and therefor it is available in two different versions. Siege - Battle over Coruscant was made for Jedi Academy's Siege gametype and contains the Siege and FFA version of the map. The second one will only work if you have the modification Movie Battles II. It's called MBII - Battle over Coruscant.
To avoid conflicts and to update certain things a new version of the Observation Deck duel map will be included in both. So if you have BoC Duel Observation Deck already, delete it from your base folder.
It's done! The Siege/FFA Download is now available.
In MBII you have to free Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. Defend R2D2 until he activates the elevators or find a way to hack those
in the Control Room, which is heavily defended by the Tradefederation. If you don't like it, blame Frost
The Siege objective is similar to the MBII one. Your primary goal is to free
Palpatine. But this time you have to enable the elevators by hacking a console in the Control Room.
Battle over Coruscant was originally planned as one huge Siege map. I had the idea of a spacefight where you land in the hangar and make your way through the Invisible Hand. I started working on all the big ships you can see during the battle. After that was done, I turned my attention to the inside of the ship.
Skybox of Coruscant as seen in the opening scene of Episode III was made by Corel. I cant say how he did it but
I like it very very much, its probably the best skybox I've ever seen. Simply stunning and I am really proud to use it in this map.
Textures that are used for this map are mainly done by rv21 and me. rv21 did an awesome job and he worked really fast. You
know, for a mapper it's like heaven to have someone helping you with textures. The very first ones I did were for the Hangar and the Observation
Deck if I remember right. All in all there were around 370 new textures made. The shader that was written has more than 2000 lines of code.
Hangar is probably one of my favourite places in the map, its huge (not as huge as in the movie but still quite big),
lighting and textures turned out great (took me 2 days to find the right color for the env map on the floor) and it really feels like being
one of the Jedis who are supposed to rescue the chancellor.
Observation Deck was one of the first areas I started to work on. SJC once did the Invisible Hand but I recognized several
flaws so I started it from scratch, using the DVD as reference. When the major brushwork was done, textures and details were added, it took me a while
to find the right light intensity and color.
Corridor (internal name was 'cor1') which connects the upper elevator hall with the Observation Deck was built in a very
detailed way and I had to reduce tris count later by doing new textures. You can't see any difference in my opinion.
The Control Room is dominated by green colors. For quite some time I wasn't sure if this room will be part of the actual map
because it was pretty far away of the rest of the map and I had no real use for it back then. But it turned out really nice so I kept it in.
Elevators connect the lower area (Hanger and Control Room) with the upper area (Observation Deck). It was made very detailed
in the first run and I replaced those details again with textures. The door and the inside textures were done by rv21. After everything else was
done I wrote the script for them.
Escape Pod Corridor came in quite late and was done during 2 or 3 days. rv21, again, provided textures so everything I had
to do was the brushwork and so I was able to finish it in that short amount of time. You can see this corridor when Grievous escapes from the ship.
rv21 (textures/Palpatine head/music) |
Liam (sound effects/ambience sounds) |
Corel (skybox) |
Toshi (Palpatine model) |
Plasma (Palpatine robe) |
Frost (rayshield effect)
Manquesa (Jedi Fighter model) |
MBII Beta Team (testing) |
IonZod (updated music for this page) |
lots of people I probably forgot, THANK YOU!